"Natività" is a music video inspired by the eponymous song by Andrea Costanza, created in collaboration with the emerging fashion brand "Junse Liu."
Set in the Cervia salt flats, the story follows Liscari, a laborer whose encounter with Iole, the nymph of the salt flats, leads to an impossible love. Despite a long search, Iole never reappears. Liscari memorializes her by crafting a salt pendant from the salt pyramid he builds.
This story reflects the concept of an impossible human-immortal love, according to the words of the classical philosopher Artemidoro. The narrative draws inspiration from "De Salinis Cerviensibus," written in 1786 by Pietro Antonio Zanoni (1723 - 1786), set the events of Liscari and Iole right in the salt flats of Cervia.
Set in the Cervia salt flats, the story follows Liscari, a laborer whose encounter with Iole, the nymph of the salt flats, leads to an impossible love. Despite a long search, Iole never reappears. Liscari memorializes her by crafting a salt pendant from the salt pyramid he builds.
This story reflects the concept of an impossible human-immortal love, according to the words of the classical philosopher Artemidoro. The narrative draws inspiration from "De Salinis Cerviensibus," written in 1786 by Pietro Antonio Zanoni (1723 - 1786), set the events of Liscari and Iole right in the salt flats of Cervia.

written and directed: Enrico Bellenghi
director of photography: Valentina Todeschi
editing: Camila Bottiglione
starring: Federico Valentini, Clara Grilanda
original music: Andrea Costanza
fashion: Junse Liu
production assistant: Giammarco Onofri
production agency: Bright srl
graphics: Diego Massaro
special thank's: Saline di Cervia, Parco del Delta del Po